
Storytelling Workshop

About The Event

250 Hartford Avenue, Bellingham MA 2019, United States
  • Cost: $59.00
  • Total Slot: 150
  • Booked Slot: 0

This event has expired

For 10 days, 15 passionate writers, artists and filmmakers will be submerged in the density of the Peruvian Amazonas and the lives of the local Shawi. Guided by a diverse Team of acclaimed international creatives and Peruvian indigenous leaders, participants will be exposed to the raw nature of the rainforest, conflicting forces impacting indigenous communities and sustainable activities to address climate change.

Each participant will develop a short provocation/artwork under the guidance and supervision of the Team. Unlike other workshops, the local inhabitants will not be mere characters in these stories but will serve as mentors, project collaborators and cultural mediators. The process of creation will require some form of partnership between local and international storytellers in defining, style, method, message and culture.

The workshop will take place in various settings including the urban river-based culture of Iquitos, the tropical rainforest surroundings of the Allpahuayo Mishana Reserve, and the facilities of Formabiap’s indigenous bi-lingual education centre at Zúngarococha.

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